Baker Registration & Payment

Thank you for your request to bake at the next IronCupcake: London challenge.
We are thrilled to have you joining us!

Please click on the BUY NOW button to start your registration process ~


If you have any questions, please contact us at
T: (519) 494-7741


Why is there a fee to register? Well, it tells us that you are serious about entering, there will be prizes awarded, refreshments and it just helps us cover the costs of hosting the event.


WHO CAN ENTER IRONCUPCAKE: The competition is open to everyone from the amateur home baker to professionals.

Only the first eight (8) entries will be able to compete. First come, first served. A wait list will form after that.  The entry fee is $10 + HST which you can pay by credit card through paypal.

LOCATION:  Challenges take place at:   Western Fair, FARMERS MARKET;  900 King St

TIME: Bakers must arrive at 8:30 am to set up your cupcake presentation, doors open to the public at 9 am and judging will commence shortly after, awards will be announced by 12 pm.

CHECK-IN: When you arrive, please check in to register your name and the name of your cupcake and to receive your voting letter to be placed on your sign.

CUPCAKES: Please bring 10 dozen MINI cupcakes. You may use full size cupcakes for your display, but minis are required for the tasting portion of the event. Mini muffin and cupcake pans can be purchased at most major supermarkets and bigbox stores.

RECIPE: You may scratch bake or doctor up a box mix. It is your choice. You are not required to submit your recipe.

PRESENTATION: Please bring a small sign stating the content of your cupcake. Also please note if it contains nuts or other allergens. This is considered part of your presentation.  Feel free to bring minimal propping, dress up, flyer – all to better tell your cupcake’s story.  SPACE IS LIMITED. Each baker has approx. 2′ x 2′ to display. NOTE: your sign cannot display your name or a company.

You are asked not to stay at the challenge and take up space within the coffee cafe, please return to the challenge anytime 11am or late for judging at 12noon.

VOTING PROCEDURE: Voting is based on 1/3 presentation, 1/3 taste and 1/3 creativity (how you incorporate the secret ingredient).

PRIZES:  The winner will be named Iron Cupcake:LONDON Champion for the month, will have their cupcake creation featured on the Iron Cupcake blog.

Ribbons will also be awarded in each category of presentation, taste and creativity.

In the spirit of fairness, Iron Cupcake Champion and category winners will be determined by our sponsor & charity judges.

STAY INFORMED: If you have not already done so, please join the FACEBOOK IronCupcake:London and TWITTER. This is the easiest way to stay on top of all things ICLondon.